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Project Core Attributes

[current approved version: 2020.0]

Core attributes are the main fields associated with a project. The table below lists all Core Attributes; their field name & a description of how it is used.

Many of the core terms are mandatory. Every project instance is required to have an entry in this field.

EntityAttribute or Entity NameDescriptionData or Entity TypeObligationMultiplicitySynonym term in other standards
programOrCampaignProjectA project is an overarching context for a set of associated activities which contribute to a specific objective. Entity equates to OWL 2.0 Class object. The project entity is described and defined by this schema.ClassMandatory1:n
projectprojectIdGlobally unique identifier (GUID) for the project. System generated.TextMandatory1:1dcterms:identifier
projectprojectDateCreatedThe date and time that the record was created in the database. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standardDate TimeMandatory1:1dcterms:created
projectprojectLastUpdatedDateThe date and time that the record was last updated in the database. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standardDate TimeMandatory1:1dcterms:modified
projectprojectNameShort name or title of the project.textMandatory1:1dcterms:title
projectprojectAimThe primary aim, goal or objective of the project.textMandatory1:1dcterms:abstract
projectprojectDescriptionAbstract or long description of the project.textMandatory1:1dcterms:description
projecthasTagA set of categorical tags to assist with searching and filtering.vocabulary Optional0:n
projectdifficultyLevelAssessed class of project difficulty for untrained participants to undertake. This attribute is used to assist with searching and filtering.vocabulary Optional0:1
projectkeywordKeywords (comma separated) which are indexed and aid in searching for and finding projects.textOptional0:ndct:keyword
projectprojectStatusThe activity status of the project.vocabulary Mandatory1:1cosi:hasStatus
projectprojectStartDateThe actual date that the project began. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standardDate TimeMandatory1:1
projectprojectEndDateThe actual date that the project ended. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standardDate TimeOptional0:1
projectprojectDurationThe duration or elapsed time over which a project was undertaken. This would typically be derived as the difference in a unit of time between the start and end dates of a project, but may be infinite (if no end date applies) or explicit (if duration is given with no end date specified.TimeMandatory1:1
projectprojectScienceTypehe category of science represented by the project. Where the project fits into the landscape of science.vocabulary Mandatory1:ncosi:hasFieldOfStudy
projectprojectUrlAn HTTP URL to an external web site for the project.uriOptional0:1
projectunRegionsSelect list based on UN M.49 coding classification, Geographical supranational regions. Used for enabling regionalized views of projects where projects are active, to make searching for projects more regionally relevant for some users.vocabulary Optional0:n
projectlanguageThe encoding language used for the project. Uses Unicode Standard UTF-8 (ISO/IEC 10646:2014 plus Amendment 1).vocabulary Mandatory1:1dcterms:language
projectprojectLocalityOther textual location specificationtextOptional0:1dwcterms:locality
projectprojectResponsiblePartyNameName of the primary organization responsible for hosting or implementing the project.textMandatory1:1foaf:name
projectprojectResponsiblePartyContactEmailA contact email address of the party (eg. Organisation) that is responsible for implementing/conducting the project.textMandatory1:1
projectcontactPointThe principal contact point for the project. This is a class object.ClassMandatory1:ndcat:contactPoint
contactPointcontactNameThe name of the agent appointed as the contact for a project.textMandatory1:nfoaf:name
contactPointmeansOfContactThe method(s) described for making contact with the project.vocabulary Mandatory1:n
contactPointcontactDetailsDetailed contact information for a project.textMandatory1:n
contactPointcontactPointTypeThe type of contact point for a project.vocabulary Mandatory1:n
projectprojectMediaImage(s) and/or other media used to graphically enhance or represent the project. This is a class object.ClassOptional0:n
projectMediaprojectMediaTypeThe category of media type representing the type of project media item chosenvocabulary Mandatory1:1foaf:img
projectMediaprojectMediaFileMedia file upload representing the type of project media chosenmediaFileMandatory1:1foaf:img
projectMediaprojectMediaCreditAttribution credit for the logo image or other mediatextMandatory1:1dcterms:bibliographicCitation
projectprojectGeographicLocationUser-defined geospatial representation point location or geographic extent of the project. Point locations are typically represented as map pins and extents as polygons. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.
This is a class object.
projectGeographicLocationprojectPinLatitudeLatitude coordinate of the point location of the project. Typically this is where the project is hosted, e.g., a home institution. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.decimalOptional0:1ISO19107
projectGeographicLocationprojectPinLongitudeLongitude coordinate of the point location of the project. Typically this is where the project is hosted, e.g. a home institution. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.decimalOptional0:1ISO19107
projectGeographicLocationprojectGeographicCoverageUser-defined geospatial representation(s) of the project area footprint/extent. Coverage is typically represented in a GeoJSON object which has a centroid coordinate ('centre') and a definition of the boundary of the shape. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.geoObjectOptional0:nISO19107
projectGeographicLocationprojectGeographicCoverageCentroidLatitudeLatitude coordinate of the centroid of the project extent area. Latitude coordinate in geographic decimal degrees for the center or home base of the project best representing the project's location as a point. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.decimalOptional0:nISO19107
projectGeographicLocationprojectGeographicCoverageCentroidLongitudeLongitude coordinate of the centroid of the project extent area. Longitude coordinate in geographic decimal degrees for the center or home base of the project best representing the project's location as a point. Uses OGC GeoAPI (09-083r3) standard.decimalOptional0:nISO19107
projectactivityAn activity comprises a schema definition which represents a specific data collection protocol and a schema definition for the metadata associated with all protocols. In the context of an activity, these exist as a singular pair. Usage of an activity is always made in the context of an event, ie. A non-persistent time-based usage of an observational data schema. Observational data schemas are domain and protocol specific, and may be published in other repositories. This is a class object.ClassOptional0:ndcmitype:Event
Last updated on by imitton