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Project Extension Attributes

[current approved version: 2020.0]

Extension attributes are the fields whose inclusion is not mandatory for all systems that are compliant with PPSR Core. The table below lists all Extension Attributes; their field name, a description of how it is used. Every system is encouraged to include these fields to ensure greater interoperability between systems.

EntityAttribute or Entity NameDescriptionData or Entity TypeObligationMultiplicitySynonym term in other standards
projectprojectExternalIdThe identifier of the project in an external database or repository..textOptional0:ndcterms:publisher
projectcosi:belongsToProgrammeName of the Programme or campaign that the project is associated with.textOptional0:1cosi:belongsToProgramme
projectprojectOriginalRepositoryThe name of the project database in which a project was first registered or published. Allows traceability of a project in multiple databases to it's original registration repository.textOptional0:n
projectprojectHowToParticipateFree text description of how people can get involved in the project. Textual instructions for joining the project.textOptional0:1
projectprojectTaskFree text description of how people can get involved in the project. Textual instructions for joining the project.textOptional0:1cosi:hasActivity
projectprojectIntendedOutcomesA set of described outcomes intended to be achieved by the project.textOptional0:nproj:objective
projectprojectOutcomeThe outcome(s) achieved or delivered by a project.textOptional0:ncosi:hasConclusion
projectscientificProcessInvolvedParts of the process of science that participants exercisevocabularyOptional0:ncosi:hasProcedure
projectnumberOfScientificPublicationsNumber of peer reviewed publications referencing the project and/or project datasets.integerOptional0:1
projectnumberOfOtherPublicationsNumber of reports/grey literature publications referencing the project and/or project datasets.integerOptional0:1
projectprojectAdditionalInformationSupplemental information for any project-specific data administrators want to make availabletextOptional0:1cosi:hasRelatedMaterial
projectprojectCountryThe country in which the project is being undertaken. This may be multiple countries. Select list of countries. Used for enabling nationalised views of projects in order to make searchability and applicability of projects more nationally relevant for users. Applies the ISO 3166: 2006 standard for country names.vocabularyOptional0:n
projectprojectEquipmentRequired or suggested equipment to be used in the project.textOptional0:1cosi:hasInstrument
projectprojectExternalLinksURL for links to any external resources associated with a project. These may include links to project mobile apps, social media pages, etc.uriOptional0:n
projectprojectPlannedEndDateThe date that the project is planned to end. Applicable for projects operating over a defined period of time. The date on which the project ended or will end. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standarddate timeOptional0:1
projectprojectPlannedStartDateThe date that the project is planned to commence. The date on which the project began or will begin. Uses the ISO 8601:2004 (E) dateTime standarddate timeOptional0:1
projectprojectResearchTypeArea of research covered by the project (e.g., ecological research)vocabularyOptional0:1cosi:hasFieldOfStudy
projectprojectScientificCollaboratorsList of scientific collaborators; i.e. scientists or academic departments using the data collectedtextOptional0:ncosi:hasInvestigator
projectprojectAssociatedPartyA party associated with the project with a particular association role. This ia a class object.ClassOptional0:n
projectAssociatedPartyprojectAssociatedPartyIdThe id of an associated party. This may be a foreign key to the party information stored in another database entity.textOptional0:1
projectAssociatedPartyprojectAssociatedPartyNameShort text name or title of a party (eg. Organisation) associated with the project and performing a role in the project.textOptional0:1
projectAssociatedPartyprojectUsFederalSponsorName(s) of US Federal entity(s) providing funding to the projectvocabularyOptional0:1
projectAssociatedPartyprojectAssociatedPartyRoleA role which a party (eg. Organisation) associated with the project undertakes. Each associated party listed should have a role.vocabularyOptional0:1
projectparticipationFeesAn entity for specifying details of participation fees if they are applicable. This is a class object.ClassOptional0:1
participationFeesparticipationFeeApplicableFlag to indicate whether participation fees are applicable.booleanMandatory1:1
participationFeesparticipationFeeAmountThe currency amount for a fee to participate in the project.decimalOptional0:1
projectprojectFundingType(s) and source(s) of funding contributions to the project. This is a class object.ClassOptional0:n
projectFundingprojectFundingSourceType of name of the contributor(s)of funding to the projecttextOptional0:1
projectFundingprojectFundingSourcePercentageAmountPercentage of funding contribution for each funding source or funding contributordecimalOptional0:1
projectFundingprojectFundingSourceCurrencyAmountActual amount in local country currency of funding contribution for each funding source or funding contributordecimalOptional0:1
projectFundingprojectFundingSourceTypeType of funding source(s) contributing to the project. This is a class object.ClassMandatory1:1
projectFundingSourceTypefundingSourceTypeSubsetAFunding source type used in Australia.vocabularyOptional0:1
projectFundingSourceTypefundingSourceTypeSubsetBFunding source type used in the USA.vocabularyOptional0:1
projectprojectParticipantsNumber of project participants. This is a class object.ClassOptional0:1
projectParticipantsprojectParticipantsNumberOfActiveNumber of active participants based on project's definition of activityintegerOptional0:1
projectParticipantsprojectParticipantsTotalRegisteredTotal number of registered participantsintegerOptional0:1
projectParticipantsprojectParticipantAgeThe age range classe(s) of participantsvocabularyOptional0:n
Last updated on by imitton